Sunday, April 6, 2008

The sleep question

We are getting sleep. It is enough sleep to function at a pretty high level. It is not adult style sleep. I get annoyed lately when people ask me if he sleeps through the night.

Does he sleep through the night? Heck no! He has a stomach the size of a walnut! He pees and poops in his pants all night! Would YOU sleep through the night if you were constantly hungry and often lying in your own pee?

He gets hungry, wakes up, and if I feed him before he gets upset then he usually just falls right back to sleep. If I wait just a minute or three too long, he freaks out and then he agitatedly gulps air as he sucks, which leads to painful gas bubbles, which leads to a long burping session, which wakes him up more thoroughly, which in turn makes it harder for him to fall back asleep. So time is of the essence.

Thankfully, I am getting much, much better at avoiding that cascade of late-night unpleasantry and so lately all three of us have been sleeping really well. Cooper usually eats around 9pm, then we all go to bed. Then he wakes around 1 or 2, and I feed him and then Matt changes his diaper if it seems yucky. Then we all fall back asleep. Then Cooper gets up between 4 and 6 and I feed him, and then the two of us fall back asleep. Around 7 or 8 we all wake up for the day. That comes out to an 11 hour span of fractured sleep, which is equal in lucidity to roughly 7 hours by my estimation.

Cooper also likes to take a mammoth nap from about 9am to noon. This is great for getting things done around the house or running errands. I personally cannot nap, and do not want to nap, at that hour in the morning so instead I take the time to do stuff. Mostly laundry...

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