Monday, October 29, 2007

So THAT is where it went

I've gained 15 pounds, but just I feel like I haven't gained thaaat much weight. 5 weeks to 20 weeks, 1 lb per week. Simple math, but where exactly are these 15 lbs hiding? And then I compared these photos.

Ah ha! I believe it now. And seriously, I should work on my posture lately- look at that space between the small of my back and my elbow in the 20 week photo. That doesn't look right.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

20 week photos

Our house is in a total disarray, but we still have one wall that we can take nice pictures against. Thank goodness!

Here I am in my "cheerleader outfit" as my sister put it. Basically, I thought it would be good to always wear the same thing so that you can really see how big I am getting. What I picked, however, is supposedly a little goofy (it is tight, yet comfy, which was my main criteria when I chose it). Goofy is fine, I think. With that, I thought I'd commemorate the half-way point by taking a couple extra photos.

It was cold when we took these pictures... I can see now.

For contrast, here I am in my "impregnito" outfit. Nice corduroys, comfy down jacket and Matt's funky big retro sunglasses. I look like a secret agent! Yeah, right.


Last but not least, this is me in my street clothes. Teeshirt, pants. You can clearly see here that despite not wearing cheerleader clothing, I do, in fact, have a growing belly.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

20 week ultrasound!

The 20 week ultrasound was really fun! The technician was extremely respectful of our wishes to not know the gender- she said only about 5% of her patients request to not know, and she thinks it is "more fun" for the parents. Great! She even left it off the doctor's forms, so that means that even our OB doesn't know.

(that is the umbilical cord, by the way -don't get all excited.)

The baby sucked its thumb for a good part of the ultrasound (and is doing so in this image), which I was completely entertained by. It also kicked and squirmed, which was fun to watch. I learned that I have an anterior placenta- which after some quick googling explains why I seem to only feel kicks on my upper left side. I saw that our baby is head down, face up, and kinda tilted (so that if I was a clock, it would be feet at 2 o'clock, head at 8 o'clock). When it kicks towards my belly button, the feeties smack my squishy, nerve-free, placenta and I can't feel it. When it kicks up or pushes up, I feel it because it is pressing on just my muscles and the underside of my left ribs. After about three to four weeks of wondering why I only really could feel firm movements in the left upper part of my belly, this was quite reassuring! Once its arms are more powerful, and once it gets bigger, I should start feeling it all over the place.

One funny thing we learned at the ultrasound is our baby is really, really long for
its age. Almost two weeks too long! Long legs, long torso. The OB says this doesn't affect our due date, but it might end up being a rather tall baby. So what
I'm guessing this means is I should not buy too much in Newborn size, and stick to 0-3m and bigger instead. My sister's baby was also quite long for gestational age when she was measured at 20 weeks, so I suspect this is a family trait.

We also learned all sorts of "doesn't haves." Doesn't have a cleft palate! Doesn't have an umbilical defect! Doesn't have any skull defects! Doesn't have any
spinal defects! And then some "does haves..." has two kidneys, 10 fingers, 10 toes, 4 chambers in the heart, full bladder, good swallowing behavior, good heart
rate. And my favorite- cute little feet! I got a printout of the cute little feet that I just love.

You can see that the feet, now, are about the size of the entire leg in that first ultrasound. Baby growth is pretty amazing.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Early likes and dislikes

Now that I've been able to feel the baby move for a few weeks, I've pinned down a couple of likes and dislikes.

1) lunch! mmmm... favorite meal of the day, apparently
2) fruity snacks (like an apple, or organic fruit-roll-up thingies)
3) reading in bed
4) caffeine (don't worry, I'm waaaay below the daily suggested limit)

1) Matt trying to feel it move (goes from little squirmer to completely still)
2) tight pants
3) living near a full bladder

Friday, October 19, 2007

Looking into the future

The future is coming... but as usual it is starting off by being really, really messy and scary.

Our home renovation has started. The contractors are here everyday tearing apart walls, ceilings, and (heartbreakingly) our refinished attic. They are good guys and are trying not to disrupt our lives more than they need to, but the reality is that they are covering everything in dust and making our house a disaster area. I am probably going to spend an hour today damp-mopping dust up so that I have a clean, low-dust weekend. They actually painter's tape our bedroom door shut everyday to keep the filth from getting on our bed and clothing. They don't work Fridays (10 hour days M- Th is enough), which is a good reprieve for me.

I got home yesterday to traces of drywall plaster smeared subtly across the front porch. Some things you cannot sweep away. I walked in and there was a huge hole in the ceiling of the living room, a big beam tacked diagonally onto the wall of the living room, trim was ripped off just about everything in the living room, and I looked up the (old) stairwell to see exposed beams and insulation. Matt and I went upstairs and said, "Holy shit." They have torn off the ceiling of the attic, the walls around the windows, and a big, big piece of the wall where the dormer will go. I thought Matt might cry- a few short years ago we spent weeks making that attic livable, and now the guys are tearing it down. Deep breath.

But the beauty of it is that we want them to do this. We want them to tear things off the walls and expose the guts of our house. We actually want them to rip huge holes into our living room, and most importantly we are paying them to tear 1/4 of the roof of our entire house right smack off. They will install the massive windows that are living in my tulip bed (why, why tulips? they are doomed) and drive an actual crane into our backyard next week.

To see the carnage yesterday made it all more real. Soon we'll have a beautiful stairwell, a second (huge!) bedroom with giant windows that look up onto the mountains, and a neat little attached study/craft room. And then we'll have a baby to put into the bedroom.

Hopefully in THAT order.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

New ticker

Upon my sister's request, I have put a second ticker on the top of the blog. This one shows my "weeks pregnant," which some people prefer to a countdown.

I aim to please.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Apparently, my gums are pregnant

I visited the dentist today and had a nice thorough cleaning. The first thing the hygienist said is, "Oh! You are pregnant! You want me to get you a little pillow for your back while you sit in our chair?"

Guess it is getting pretty obvious, or at least to hygienists. Very thoughtful of her to ask about the pillow. I declined, but it was a nice idea.

Then of course she chattered on as she scraped my teeth about her kids, having kids, how exciting being pregnant is, and that sort of thing. It was entertaining. When she got to cleaning my lower back-most molars, she informed me that I have an extremely mild case of pregnancy-induced gingivitis on both back rear molars. Huh. So my gums are pregnant, too.

Thankfully, the only thing I need to do is brush extra well back there and remember to floss all the way to behind the backmost teeth. That is doable, and she said that I shouldn't worry too much about it unless they start to ache or hurt. Then, back to the dentist for me. But she said that is really, really unlikely because my teeth are so nice and clean. Good for me!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Bird curtain successful! and a story

The anti-bird gauzy curtain is working fabulously. It was very cheap, is pretty in the window, and we haven't heard or seen a bird smash itself into the glass since. Also, it has a slightly festive snowy-halloween-ish look to it so I placed some pumpkins in the windowsill and the overall effect is very cute.

Also- I ran into a distant friend today. I was wearing a warm vest (it is chilly out) and had my hands in the pockets, which basically negates any visual effect of being pregnant. I jokingly called it being "in-preg-nito" to Matt the other day, which we both thought was funny.

She said something like, "Hey! Good to see you! I hear you have a bun in the oven!" to which I replied "Yeah, it is really exciting. And next week I'll be halfway there, which is pretty neat."

She stared at my torso. Open mouthed, dead silence. Awkward pause. Then she pointed at my belly and said, "But where is the baby hiding?"

OK- stop the presses. This is a prime example of where I've noticed that people lose all sense of self control when faced with a pregnant person. When else is it OK to openly critique someone, in their face, in public, and POINT for god's sake, about their body shape? Never! Seriously.

I feel like I handled it with grace. I smiled and said something like "Oh, yes, this vest does hide it pretty well." And then I unzipped the vest to display that I indeed have a baby growing in there and she looked very relieved.

I can easily list nicer things she could have said that would have had the same message.

"Well, don't you look trim. Is that something that runs in your family?"

"I'm surprised- my other friends all showed their pregnancies much earlier!"

"I thought for sure you weren't very far along. Guess we should see each other more often."

Oh well. Her fault. Some people are kinda rude.

Article on my least favorite name

I can't resist. In May 2006, previously unbeknownst to me, the New York Times did an article on my least favorite baby name. Nevaeh....

And if it is a boy, will you name it Lleh?

Monday, October 8, 2007

Unforseeable repercussion

Lately, I've had a greater interest in housecleaning. This is not like me, but several of my pregnancy books do list a desire to "nest" as a element of the 2nd trimester so I'm not surprised. It is fine- a little extra sweeping and swabbing never hurt anyone. Besides, it is nice to have a clean kitchen, and for some reason cleaning seems more fun lately. Funny hormones.

However, one thing I've cleaned has caused a serious problem. We have this large bay window in the front of our house that was really dusty and dirty. I decided it needed to be clean last week, so I carefully sprayed and toweled the whole thing with some hippy-type windex until it was as clear as fresh air... which has led a horrifying and near constant stream of birds to smash into it. Matt and I have seen two robins smash the window in the last two days, and at least one little sparrow met up with the window while Matt was home last week. And those are only the birds that we know of! There could be dozens of other victims!

I feel so bad for the little things. It looks like they are flying off OK after a minute or two of recovery in the shrubs, but still- this cannot be good for them. It is only a matter of time until something hits it hard enough to drop dead into the garden below.

I've resolved to get a gauzy, lightweight curtain that lets light in but discourages bird hits. And here I thought having a clean front window would be a stress reducer...

Sunday, October 7, 2007


If you read the other post from today, you will know why this post is named "Redeemed!"

Here is the fun fun photo comparison... the photo on the left is 5 weeks, and the one on the right is 18 weeks.

18 weeks

As the master of the digital camera, I let Matt take care of our digital recordings about 95% of the time. That is fine with me... however, it seems like he might have lost our "before" photo of me when I was 5 weeks along. Damn!

He's out on a bike ride right now so he can't defend himself against my potentially baseless allegations of photo-misplacement. He presented a memory chip to me yesterday and claimed it had the certain photo I wanted, but actually- I just figured this out- that chip is blank.

-- sigh --

So here is the photo from this morning (18 weeks) that matches the missing photo from 5 weeks. I intentionally am wearing the same outfit as the other photo, but of course the effect is less impressive without the first photo. Perhaps when he gets back we'll get this straightened out and it will turn out that we have another chip somewhere, with the 5 week photo, from back in July. I hope so!

Note the large bust. If/when the other photo turns up, you'll be able to clearly see the difference.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Shopping List

This is not what you are thinking.

I was pondering some heavy things this week- like genetic tests, embryo screening, etc after reading about that kinda stuff in a book. In my head, I started thinking about how I would create the most ultra-perfect Radwood baby possible... so here it is;

Hair: doesn't matter, both are thick and nice
Scalp: Mine, because Matt is "flakey"
Skin: Matt's, hands down. Less sunburn, very few zits even as a teenager, nicer pores, no history of skin cancer in the family. Even his back is less zitty than mine- and he's a guy!
Eye Color: doesn't matter. We are picking from a palette of blues and greens so you can't go wrong there.
Vision: Mine. No question. I love him, but he's blind as a bat without thick glasses. I barely need mine for driving.
Nose: Mine- and not for aesthetic reasons. Matt has chronic sinus and breathing problems. I don't mind the Polish/Roman look (there is nothing wrong with that), but I do mind the mouth breathing and being really prone to head colds.
Teeth: This is a slightly tough one, but I'm confident that my 5 cavities are far, far more dealable over the last close to 30 years than Matt's several years of braces, retainers, and other orthodontic torture. He only has one cavity, but I truly think that anti-decaying-advantage is trivial in comparison. I'm voting for my teeth- besides, as an adult I have 28, while he has 24. We both started with 32. Just the extra pulling out of the teeth alone suggests to me that my teeth are easier to deal with.
Allergic tendencies: Matt's, or shall I say Matt's lack thereof. I'm allergic to many things that are sucky (cats, some drugs, excess lactose, dust mites, leaf mold) and Matt is allergic to nothing that he knows of. Not fair.
Digestive tract: Mine. Matt is prone to upsets and heartburn. I've had heartburn once in my life, and it was because of excessive alcohol consumption so I deserved it. Even now while I'm 4 1/2 months pregnant I don't get heartburn.
Build: Either, doesn't matter. We kinda have the same build anyway.
Hands: Doesn't matter.
Arms: Matt is the monkey man. He has really long arms for his height. So... I'm not sure. Undecided.
Shoulders: Very tough call. I have a bad shoulder that aches, but Matt has a shoulder that likes to partially dislocate. I think this is a toss-up.
Legs: Doesn't matter
Ankles: Matt. I was prone to turned ankles as late teen / early twenties.
Back: Matt. I have some back problems.
Musical talent: Matt
Interpersonal skills: Matt
Dedication to completing tasks: Matt
Organization: Me
Test taking: Me
Planning and scheming: Me
Overachieving: doesn't matter.
Toes: Matt. I have weird toe callouses.
Love of Outdoors: doesn't matter
Athletic abilities: doesn't matter

Of course, we'll love the baby even if it gets my skin yet Matt's nasal passages. It is just funny to think of it like a Mr. Potato head where you can swap out all the parts.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

New! Annoying!

I think this is becoming a total complaint blog. Lame!

With that, I will complain about the newest issues. I know no-one promised me a rose garden, and I know I am extremely fortunate for the simplicity and lack of sickness that has been my pregnancy thus far, but still... I have discomforts! I want to complain about them!

1) For the last two weeks my upper back and ribs have been frequently very sore and they ache, often to the point of driving me to incessantly squirm in my chair or worse still, need to lie down for a while. If I lie down for about 20 minutes it goes away, so that isn't that terrible. This happens nearly everyday, and usually is correlated with too much sitting still in a chair (like in a lecture hall, or at work).

2) I have this small, crazy rash on both of my elbows. The outside part- the wrinkly, dry part. This rash has actually been plagueing (plaguing? that is tough to spell) me since about early August. It itches. It looks slightly yucky. It seems like bug bites, but after 1 1/2 months and two separate countries I've concluded the bugs cannot be blamed any longer. It must be a pregnancy dry skin irritation type thing. I'm trying to self-treat this rash with intense moisturizing and it seems to be working a little bit; I've noticed less itching since I brought out the Burt Bee's salves. I figure at minimum my elbows smell nice now.

3) My belly button has been slowly modifying itself for about two or three weeks. Right now I seem to be past the "horrible burning sensation" phase that sucked last week, and instead I'm in the "aches and tenderness" phase. It also looks sort of blobby and it is clearly going to move past the surrounding skin within the next month or so. If I lie down and tense my stomach (like to sit up), it does a very creepy weird thing that makes Matt actually feel nauseous if he sees me do it. So I don't do that anymore when he is around. Also, my belly button has looked mildly bruised for the last three weeks. Eww...

On the flip side-

1) For whatever reason, pregnancy has actually improved my facial complexion. This is delightful and unexpected. Hurray for fewer zits!

2) Sometimes I have started to be able to feel the baby move. Just a tiny bit. But that is fun and different.

3) We're having a baby!

So yeah, the good does outweigh the bad. Enough said!