Thursday, April 10, 2008

Baby transport devices

Cooper loves the "Moby Wrap" more than he loves the sling. I think he prefers the wrap's smooshed-into-chest position over the sling's pea-in-pod position, and in the wrap he can slowly work his feet free and then flail them, which he evidently enjoys. And then I tuck his feet back in and he can repeat the process.

The sling has certain advantages- it is more portable and fairly stylish. The wrap is more parental dorky looking, and bulkier. So when I go out to shop downtown or something, the sling works better. In the house, though, I've decided that the wrap is the way to go. And for long term wear (i.e. hikes) the wrap is hugely preferable. It distributes Cooper's weight much like a real backpack. That increases the comfort level tremendously.

I've also been using a baby jogger that a friend lent to me for the last week. Cooper is far too young for a baby jogger (floppy head and all) so I've had to ensconce him in an impressive arrangement of blankets and such to create a safe and comfortable nest. Once in his nest, he loves the baby jogger and so do I. But getting him situated is very involved.

Thankfully, Grandma R just came through with a great gift of a snap-in car seat convertible stroller base. Cool! I'm test driving it today. I know it will be enjoyable for all, and I have a new goal to go for a long walk everyday (weather permitting) so the newer, easier stroller is quite exciting.

Speaking of which, I should put him in some warm clothing and get going!

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