Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I didn't think of this one

Cooper is a water-loving little guy. He likes his sink baths, he likes to be in the shower with me, and he likes to take bath in the big bathtub with me. I try to do some kind of full-body cleaning at least twice a week, and I wash his hair about once a week. With the extremely dry air here in wintertime, I figure anything more than that and he'd get dry skin.

Today I decided that after running errands and generally being busy, it would be nice to unwind by taking a bath. Cooper loves baths, so naturally he was in there too. Now, you may wonder... what if he poops in there? Well, that has yet to happen, but because Cooper also likes showers, I figure it is not a crisis. Just yucky.

So there we were, warm and relaxed in the tub. For a long time, Cooper was draped over me, limp, clean and toasty warm. He was making adorable calm baby noises, and I was very happy. Cooper seemed asleep. Then, he started getting squirmy. It occurred to me that he might be squirmy because he was working on pooping, but like I said, I was prepared for that mentally and so it didn't bother me.

Instead, he squirmed a little bit more, looked up at me, and then puked an impressive amount of milk all over my chest. It was stunning how much fluid came out of him, and I watched helplessly as it cascaded out of him and into the lovely warm bath. Poor little guy had it coming out of his nose, too! Ugggg.

He rarely spits up, and he hasn't vomited in at least a week, so this was a very big surprise. Thankfully the water heater still had plenty of hot water for both of us to get cleaned up. After I drained the bathtub while holding a really ewwwy and sticky (although amazingly calm and happy) naked infant, we enjoyed a nice hot shower. And I washed his hair. So soft!

No one suspects the baby will vomit in the tub. Lesson learned.

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