Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Growth spurt?

At 6 weeks, babies often go through a growth spurt. Sometimes this means they will be more fussy, hungry, or sleepy.

Since last night, Cooper has been on a nearly flawless schedule of 4 hours of sleeping, 30 minutes of eating, 10 minutes of staring at stuff and smiling, and then repeat. Virtually nothing else- no crying, fussing, squirming, nothing. I would almost be worried that something is wrong except that he seems so darn happy in those 10 minutes so I don't think he is sick or anything.

Oh yeah, and somewhere in there we change his diapers. Whatever.

My boobs are not a big fan of this schedule. They are much more used to an every two hour eating schedule during the daylight hours, so I am sore and kinda bloated. Thank god for the pump.

Matt and I are practically useless with all this spare non-baby time. What do we do? You mean I don't have to put away the dishes with a squirmy baby in one arm? You mean I can read the WHOLE thing without disruption? Crazy! My world is upside down!

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