Monday, April 21, 2008

Our big boy!

Goodness me is he a big kid!

Cooper got his infant hearing screening today (his hearing checked out perfectly) and for kicks, I weighed him while we were there.

Wearing a clean disposable diaper and a thin long sleeved onesie, he weighed 12 lbs, 13oz.

That is exactly FOUR pounds more then when he was born. OK, so the diaper and onesie probably weighed maybe 3- 4 ounces, so it is realistically about 3 3/4 lbs more then when he was born. But still! He is gaining weight like crazy!

I am so proud of him. And of my boobs.

The nurse warned me that with such a big baby, sometimes he'll falsely appear to be behind in developmental milestones because people will think he is older. And my sister confirmed that when baby E was quite big, at one point she almost got scheduled for the wrong vaccinations due to the assumption that baby E was older then she was. So I'll keep a close eye on this potential confusion.

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