Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Friend has baby!

My good friend from water aerobics had her baby on Monday! It is a boy, and it weighed 7lbs and some number of ounces, not quite sure. My doula was the assistant midwife to her main midwife, but her labor was so short (less than 5 hours) that my doula ended up missing the actual birth of the baby and instead did most of the post-partum helping. It was a home birth, which is pretty neat. I'm so happy for her!

As of Monday night they had not yet named the baby, so I can't report on that. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. So exciting!

In other news, I am Group B strep negative (yeah!), 1cm dilated (yeah!) and 50% effaced (yeah!). But our baby's head is not engaged, which is fine and allows me to continue walking comfortably rather than waddling. I told them about all my Braxton-Hicks contractions and my caregivers are very happy with my progress. According to them, I am right on track. That makes me feel good.

I am going to water aerobics tonight and am SO excited to tell everyone about our classmate's baby! Fun!

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