Monday, February 11, 2008

Ah ha!

My mother writes;

I am O negative... So was my mother, and that was before they had rhogam

Interesting. So, this brings up a fascinating thought. If not for the fact that my grandmother had the very, very good fortune of having her first child (my mom) also be O-, I would probably have no uncles. Unless, of course, my grandfather was O-, in which case it would not have been an issue.

Now I know I must be B/O -/+ as my complete type. So I can have a child of any existing known blood type, from a functional standpoint (which of course depends on Matt's type, which we do not know). Very cool.

I have bad indigestion today, probably stemming from the extremely delicious brownies that I ate at THE BEST BABY SHOWER EVER last night. The shower was totally awesome. Yay!

I have sent the leftovers to brownie heaven (i.e. I tucked them into Matt's backpack) so I cannot possibly make that mistake again today.

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