Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 13 of Pox Watch 2008

Only one more day to go.

So far, no spots. No fever. No irritability. Yucky runny nose, attributable to many potential sources that may not be pox-related.

Cooper may come out of this pox-free! Whhheeeeeee...

On a totally unrelated topic, our neighbor's brother died yesterday. He was temporarily staying in a tent in the backyard of the house, between apartment rentals, I guess. Apparent drug overdose. How awful. To find your little brother (he was about 18-19, she looks to be roughly 25-30) dead in a tent on the lawn has got to be massively upsetting in several different ways. The Hell's Angels are having a convention here in town, so I suspect I know where this kid got enough drugs to kill him. It was pretty weird to watch this all from the front window of our house. Cooper likes to stare at brightly colored trucks so he was mesmorized by the fire truck, ambulance, police cruiser, etc that were parked in our front street area all morning. I confess I got out my high powered binoculars and did some serious spying.

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