Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The other side

The other tooth is now coming closer to the surface.

Tooth #1 is out and about, all ridged and tooth-looking. It is still so small that I can't possibly get a good photo of it, but it is certainly up.

Tooth #2 is starting to get near the gumline. It is just barely showing up as a slightly irritated white line. Rubbing the gum with my finger shows that it is soft gum there, not yet rough sharp tooth edge.

Cooper is totally unimpressed by the teething process. He's happy to chew on the same things he's always chewed on, and he seems to pretty much act like himself. I think he's just glad that yesterday he finally pooped- after eight days of holding it. Eww gross.

Oh yeah, and he never got chicken pox. That we noticed. But I think I'll have him assayed for immunity before he gets vaccinated, just in case it was so mild that the spots I attributed to heat irritation were actually super mild pox. Because there is no need to give him a shot he doesn't require.

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