Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Did you get a medal?

At the fabulous wedding we attended this past weekend...

Woman 8 months pregnant with second child (I will call her Nancy), strikes up a conversation with me about labor and delivery. We are chatting very amiably and then-

Nancy: Wait- you did natural childbirth? the look on her face is one I usually reserve for comments more like "Wait, you like to eat human shit for breakfast?"

Me: Yup. I did.

Nancy: the look progresses to sheer pity, as if I just revealed I have an IQ of 50 and am wearing adult diapers Did they at least give you a medal or something?

Me: I asked for a gold star on my chart and the midwife said she'd see what she could do.

Nancy: I had one contraction- man that hurt like hell So I got an epidural, and 8 hours later they woke me up and told me to push. I pushed twice and hey! Baby time!

Me: That wasn't quite like my experience.


the frau said...

Ah. How women love to judge each other. It's so depressing. Your gold star comment definitely made me snicker. :)

MissoulaChick said...

Yeah, I've actually gotten the "did you get a medal" comment at least twice before. The gold star on my chart rebuttal was one of those 'damn I should have said that!' type things after the first person made the snide medal comment, and I've gleefully used it ever since. It works nicely to defuse the snideness.