Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tooth Two and Sippilicious

Tooth #2 is above the gum line. Cooper doesn't care.

I care! I no longer have a gums only baby. I have a baby with teeth!

The little man is learning some cup skills this week. Now that he sits up so nicely, I'm moving fast with the sippy cup, normal cup and general cup usage. He's been in love with the soft spout of the Born Free Trainer sippy for about two weeks, and now he drinks from it (sort of) while in his high chair. He loves the little plastic handles and can use them to get the spout into his mouth all by himself, which dare I say it is quite impressive for a not-quite 5 month old baby.

Normal cups are messier but I think he drinks more from them. Considering I have a 4 month backlog of frozen breastmilk, I am happy to splash cups of the stuff everywhere. Most of it ends up on his shirt. Bibs are useless. My only self-imposed rule is that I don't defrost bags that have 5 oz or more in them. It used to be 2 oz, but hey, the stuff is gonna go bad, and I figure a baby can't learn to drink from a cup without a lot of practice.

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