Thursday, July 31, 2008

A first, and something funny

Cooper rode in a grocery cart seat for the first time ever on Tuesday. His cute little legs stuck through the holes and he clung to the bar for dear life. He totally loved it- his eyes were all big with excitement, and he sat upright, happy and perky for the whole shopping trip. He is still side-to-side tippy, so I kept one hand on his shoulder pretty much at all time for fear he'd flop over and whack his noggin on the side of the cart. But he was really quite stable and very, very happy. This is great, as he is getting sooooo heavy in that darn car seat, so having him ride in the cart without the seat should be a huge improvement.

Also, about a week ago, I was chilling with Cooper and I happened to look behind his earlobes. I have NO idea why, perhaps I was checking him for ticks or something. Anyway, I found what appeared to be what happens to a baby's skin if it goes unwashed for 4 1/2 months. Yicky and somewhat irritated. So I foolishly asked Matt, "Honey, have you ever washed behind Cooper's ears?" "Of course!" "How about behind his ear lobes?" "Well, no, I guess not."

And clearly, neither had I.


Now we are in an intensive rear-earlobe skin rehabilitation program. We gently wash the area, rinse well, and try not to irritate it. Because it is NOT GOOD to not wash a moist crevice of baby skin for 4 1/2 months. Not dangerously not good, not like he got an infection or something, but really quite yucky and irritated. And it takes a while to get that skin healthy again.

Ah, first time parenting. So many things to remember.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

It's funny because it's true. I bet 4.5 months is the same as two weeks, though, if it makes you feel better.

Also, if the car seat's getting annoyingly heavy, just move on to the next seat. I'm sure he's heavy enough. The convenience of toting him is eventually going to be offset by the inconvenience of all the weight.