Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Baby skills exploding

In the last week or two, Cooper's baby skills have gone through the roof. Here in Kansas for my cousin's wedding, Cooper became a master of grabbing. He can grab just about anything. He likes rags, wax paper, and toys the best. Giving him regular (non-waxed) paper is a bad idea because anything that he grabs goes directly into his mouth. Or so we learned...

Yesterday, Cooper was hanging out on the hotel bed while Matt and I kept an eye on him from a distance. He was happily making a piece of paper crinkle and cooing at it- we thought nothing of this. About 5 minutes later I checked on him and to my amused horror, he had eaten almost the entire wedding schedule. Not swallowed, but wet, torn, and gummed it into bits. I fished a large wad of spitty paper goo out of his mouth and counted myself lucky that he didn't think to swallow them.

Cooper has now had his first meal of "solids" - in the form of computer paper.

Just in the last few days, he also has learned that he can grab his toes. This is AWESOME. Nothing is better than toes! Always available, always visible, toes rule.

Last but not least, he has started using body language to ask/try to grab things. If he wants something, he leans towards it, extends his arms, and makes grabbing motions. From my perspective, this is great. I am happy to know what he wants- even if he can't have it, at least I know he wants something. He loves to grab napkins, spoons, cups, toys, his shirt, towels, anything made of textured cloth (he especially loves terry cloth), flowers, grass, twigs, and lets face it, anything else in reach. Necklaces, bracelets and earrings are a huge temptation here in wedding-land, so I've spent a fair amount of time unwinding his sticky little fingers out of my necklaces in the last 48 hours.

Let's hear it for hand-eye skills! Wheeeeeeee!

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