Monday, July 21, 2008

Fur baby, number 2

Some people call their dog or cat a "fur baby."

Obviously they have never met my son.

He was born with newborn fuzz all over (very standard) and then lost all that. But now he has re-grown a full array of body hair. Legs, arms, back, forehead, you name it. He has hair on the tops of his feet and hands, and the first two knuckles of each finger and toe (ok, not the thumbs, but you knew that) just like his mom. He has hair on his ears, just like his dad.

The only thing he is missing is facial hair like dad. We'll expect that to show up in the form of a pencil thin, embarrassingly patchy mustache at the age of 17.

Perhaps most adorably, he has retained a very small percentage of his fetal head hair. These are in the form of extremely long, wispy pale brown hairs that sprout from his scalp just behind his ears. We saw this hair in the 20 week ultrasound (shocking! he had hair all the way back then AND we could see it!) and it was the longest hair he had when he was born. While it is falling out now, he still has a couple left on each side. These hairs are 2.75 inches long (yes, I'm nuts and I measured them while he was sleeping for my own edification) as opposed to all the other hair on his head, which is more like 1/2 inch long on average.

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