Monday, March 3, 2008

Baby name

I'm not telling the baby name of the latest baby. It is too much to handle. I will simply say this- it is not only the name of a dog I know, it is also a noun in a language that neither of the parents speaks.

Sigh. What are people thinking...

Now, here is a caveat. My cat growing up was named Sally. If people name their kid Sally, I do not even blink. It is a lovely people name that was applied to a cat. If I was to name my kid Sally, that would be odd, but other people outside our family are obviously not affected by my sister's decision as a 4 year old to name the cat Sally.

But it doesn't work the other way. You do not name a child Rover, Spot, Mittens, Boots, or Fluffy. This kid is not named any of these, but I think I can guarantee that if you made a list of the top 20 dog names in Missoula you would come up with this.

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