Friday, September 11, 2009

Cutest kid ever (of course)

Cooper is the cutest kid ever. Did you know that? He's the darn cutest thing you've ever seen.

I'm not biased.

His favorite book right now is "Ten Little Mice" which is a lovely bedtime story about some mice that scamper around the countryside and then all go to bed. He likes counting the mice by pointing at them as we count out loud, and identifying the birds as birds, and the badger as a badger. He also likes the ladybugs and butterflies. It is a very lovely illustrated book.

Last week Cooper was so tired at his last day of daycare for the week (Thursday) that he feel asleep at the lunch table. Our daycare director said it was adorable. And this is a man that works with toddlers ALL DAY and even HE said it was adorable.

Cooper's favorite inanimate objects are balloons. We keep a little bag of deflated balloons in the kitchen, and when we need Cooper to be very occupied, we blow one up and he FREAKS OUT with excitement. Dancing, shrieking, you name it. He even does his balloon-joy dance on command, sometimes. We have yet to get it on video, but are hoping to soon.

His favorite animate objects are sparrows and Lucky Dog, depending on his mood. He loves loves loves sparrows. I think I'm getting him a bird feeder for Xmas to hang in front of his window- one that will attract native birds instead of sparrows, of course. For my conscience.

His favorite foods are always changing, but this week it includes:
- bagels
- pancakes
- blueberries
- green beans
- cottage cheese
- spinach ravioli
- homemade chocolate pudding
and of course, crackers.

He has 18 teeth. That's a lot of teeth. He is 18 months old, so that is par for him.

The latest words to enter his everyday vocabulary are:
- Mama
- Boat
- No

I fear this last one.

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