Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Second class tomorrow

I am looking forward to our second birth class tomorrow with a sort of sado-masochistic perspective. Will Matt pass out on someone again? Will the woman that he passed out on top of last time come to class at all? Maybe she switched to the Monday class to avoid us (not a bad idea if that makes her more comfortable).

The whole thing is so funny. I told all the girls in my pre-natal water aerobics class (which in itself is incredibly amusing) and they were dying laughing. Except, of course, for the woman in the class whose husband is claiming he will refuse to go to class with her because it makes him feel queasy to just think about it. She paled and later asked me if she should really force her husband to go or not. I basically said, "You know, if he really, really thinks he might vomit- I'd take him seriously. I'd advise talking to the teacher ahead of time and working out a solid game plan to make it through the class." Or maybe he is a wussy-pants and should just keep a bucket handy. But I didn't say that last part.

Matt is not yet mentally prepared for the second class. I think we'll have to discuss it tonight and create a strategy for him. I'm thinking he should take lots of breaks during the class (especially the videos), and we can arrive a little early to get a good seat near the exit.

Wish us luck!

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