This is not what you are thinking.
I was pondering some heavy things this week- like genetic tests, embryo screening, etc after reading about that kinda stuff in a book. In my head, I started thinking about how I would create the most ultra-perfect Radwood baby possible... so here it is;
Hair: doesn't matter, both are thick and nice
Scalp: Mine, because Matt is "flakey"
Skin: Matt's, hands down. Less sunburn, very few zits even as a teenager, nicer pores, no history of skin cancer in the family. Even his back is less zitty than mine- and he's a guy!
Eye Color: doesn't matter. We are picking from a palette of blues and greens so you can't go wrong there.
Vision: Mine. No question. I love him, but he's blind as a bat without thick glasses. I barely need mine for driving.
Nose: Mine- and not for aesthetic reasons. Matt has chronic sinus and breathing problems. I don't mind the Polish/Roman look (there is nothing wrong with that), but I do mind the mouth breathing and being really prone to head colds.
Teeth: This is a slightly tough one, but I'm confident that my 5 cavities are far, far more dealable over the last close to 30 years than Matt's several years of braces, retainers, and other orthodontic torture. He only has one cavity, but I truly think that anti-decaying-advantage is trivial in comparison. I'm voting for my teeth- besides, as an adult I have 28, while he has 24. We both started with 32. Just the extra pulling out of the teeth alone suggests to me that my teeth are easier to deal with.
Allergic tendencies: Matt's, or shall I say Matt's lack thereof. I'm allergic to many things that are sucky (cats, some drugs, excess lactose, dust mites, leaf mold) and Matt is allergic to nothing that he knows of. Not fair.
Digestive tract: Mine. Matt is prone to upsets and heartburn. I've had heartburn once in my life, and it was because of excessive alcohol consumption so I deserved it. Even now while I'm 4 1/2 months pregnant I don't get heartburn.
Build: Either, doesn't matter. We kinda have the same build anyway.
Hands: Doesn't matter.
Arms: Matt is the monkey man. He has really long arms for his height. So... I'm not sure. Undecided.
Shoulders: Very tough call. I have a bad shoulder that aches, but Matt has a shoulder that likes to partially dislocate. I think this is a toss-up.
Legs: Doesn't matter
Ankles: Matt. I was prone to turned ankles as late teen / early twenties.
Back: Matt. I have some back problems.
Musical talent: Matt
Interpersonal skills: Matt
Dedication to completing tasks: Matt
Organization: Me
Test taking: Me
Planning and scheming: Me
Overachieving: doesn't matter.
Toes: Matt. I have weird toe callouses.
Love of Outdoors: doesn't matter
Athletic abilities: doesn't matter
Of course, we'll love the baby even if it gets my skin yet Matt's nasal passages. It is just funny to think of it like a Mr. Potato head where you can swap out all the parts.