Sunday, June 20, 2010

The boy who cries potty

Cooper recently figured out that we will nearly always come get him if he's in his room yelling, "Potty!"

Oh man. That, plus the fact that I found this adorably tiny toddler bed (it is like a regular bed in every respect except that it fits a crib mattress), means that nap time and bed time have gone from super-easy, to groan worthy in-and-out of the bed frustration filled times.

But we are figuring it out. First of all, if I bring his little potty into his dark room, and make him use it by the bed, then that takes all the fun out of tromping through the house, and removes the stimulation of bright lights, etc. So that decreases the potty calling tremendously. Since I started that a couple of days ago, we are seeing huge improvements. Remove fun factor... check.

The new toddler bed seems to have thrown him back off track, as we suspected it would. Matt has tried a few options to get him to fall asleep, and the last two times (last night for bed, and today for nap) reading him his favorite book about owls has gotten him to lie calmly in his bed for long enough to realize he is tired, and that has led to actually falling asleep.

It is 1:29 in the afternoon. I put Cooper down for a nap at 12:15. We've read one book, and done in-room potty service once. I think he fell asleep about 5 minutes ago.

Improvements will come soon... right? At least he naps. And sleeps all night in his own bed. I shouldn't complain.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you've got major improvements already! Good work.