Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lessons on skiing as a family of four

Today Matt and I braved our first recreational outing as a family of four; a trip to Snowbowl to get Cooper another day on his skiis, and to generally just get us all out of the house for some fun. We learned a few lessons...

1) Just like when we first had Cooper and became a three-some, learning how to get out of the house as a four-some is a little overwhelming and stressful. Matt timed it- from "oh hell let's just go" to "we're off!" took 45 minutes. I guess that's not awful, considering the toddler ski gear, baby gear, toddler snacks, nursing mom snacks, Matt ski gear, little diapers, big diapers, switching over the ski rack to the other car... Good god its a wonder we ever leave the house.

2) If you take an extra 45 minutes to leave, then ski-time gets impinged on by snack-time and as it turns out, you should have encouraged the toddler eat snacks on the drive to avoid crankiness.

3) Always check toddler ski boots for foreign objects before putting them on. When we got home around noon and Cooper took off his ski boots, an orange plastic spoon fell out. That could not have been comfortable for him. That explains why he kept asking Mom to carry him.

4) Failing to wake up and nurse the sleeping newborn during the ski lodge snack break will result in a baby that wails for most of the drive home. Rookie mistake! Can't believe I blew that one.

Other than that, it was a fun morning. Cooper did ski (despite his hidden spoon) a few runs and it was a gorgeous sunny day. And we all got some fresh air. Good times.

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