Monday, February 1, 2010

Due date

Today is baby's due date! Hurray! I did not think we'd get here. But we are here, and I really can't complain. I feel good and baby seems happy in there. So... whatever!

We had two interesting developments in Cooper world this weekend. Totally out of the blue, Cooper has stopped using his infant-language-developed invented word for his favorite sacred yellow blanket (which is best understood written as "Cee-cee") and switched to a very close variation on blanket, namely, "Bankey." Without any transition time, obvious reason, or hesitation. It is just a "bankey" now. Matt and I are both puzzled and amused by this. We never corrected him, we just stuck to saying blanket ourselves. But I sort of thought that Cee-cee was here to stay. Farewell, Cee-cee! Hello, Bankey!

The other thing that Cooper did this weekend is try to teach himself how to hop. He wants to be able to get both feet off the ground at the same time. He's having a hilariously and adorably hard time DOING this, as his technique leaves a lot to be desired. Practice will clearly make perfect. Sometimes he tries to help himself out by bracing an arm on the couch for more lift, which often ends in a bang as it makes him lopsided and thus encourages the attempted hop to end in an awkward fall. Regardless, he cracks himself up giggling as he tries, which is incredibly cute. This morning after breakfast he was attempting to hop, and he started laughing so uncontrollably that he almost fell over. It was great. What a funny little kid.

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