Saturday, November 28, 2009

Just like brother

Baby #2 already reminds me of his/her brother. Kinda big? Sure seems like it. A highly active kicker and puncher? Indeed. And perhaps most importantly- enjoys flipping from head down to head up, periodically? Yup.

So here we are again. Just like with Cooper's pregnancy, this kid started off being head down and obedient, and then decided to get a little crazy and go head-up (breech). And just like last time, it hurts, it makes my back hurt, and makes it harder for me to breathe, eat, drive, and sleep. But also just like last time, these moves are temporary. Recently, baby only spent about a week breech before deciding to burrow back into the right position.

It is a relief to have the kiddo tucked back into where it belongs, but also I know it could be short lived. Cooper spent weeks going right side up, up side down, right side up...repeat... until finally deciding to stick with head-down. Let's just hope this kid does the same. I would rather not have to get someone to professionally smoosh the kid into the right spot, if possible.

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