Monday, November 16, 2009

And then, we got results

Cooper is a bit prone to getting "blocked up" when he's sick. The combination of being a little dehydrated plus super picky about food when he's under the weather often leads to a situation that takes days to resolve itself, and makes him pretty uncomfortable.

So when Cooper woke up with a light fever on Friday and a runny nose, I figured I'd be all smart and proactive. Small cup of prune juice with breakfast! Prune juice with lunch! Prune juice with dinner! Snack! Yes!

I didn't really keep track of what I was giving him, I just sort of offered it whenever he requested juice. Which was pretty often. And he wasn't really eating anything else, actually, because he felt so crummy. Saturday was worse- he basically ate nothing all day but tiny nibbles of crackers or apples that would hardly support the metabolism of a mouse. But cold sugary prune juice! Oh THAT's a good idea! Let's drink more of that. Yum!

And then Sunday he went down for an early nap (he usually naps twice a day when fighting a cold) but couldn't get comfortable. I could hear him on the monitor whining and complaining to his puppy toy that he was unhappy. And then I heard him clearly, and panicky, "Boop! Boop! MAMA MAMA!" So after a minute of me thinking, "that's odd, I swear he's saying what he normally says when he needs a diaper change" I went in to check on him.

The smell as I opened his bedroom door nearly knocked me flat. He looked stunned (possibly low on atmospheric oxygen) and horrified. The prune juice, after essentially 48 hours of being the only real thing he consumed, had done its work. Standing in his crib, pointing to his diaper, he was stating the blatantly obvious. There was a serious situation in there.

We are now on day two of prune juice detox. Evidence suggests that I really, really overdid his dosage. Luckily, he's not suffering in any way, and it CERTAINLY took care of the problem, but oh my god was this not well thought through on my part. And today is a much, uh, tidier and better day than yesterday.

As a nice side note, he's increased his determination to inform me or Matt right away that he's pooped. He's super, ultra aware of what's going on down there and looks right at us, points to his diaper, and clearly says, "Boop!" As in... get me cleaned up NOW, people! This is GROSS!

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