Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sleepy buddy

Cooper is a champion sleeper, and I know we are really lucky. He's started taking only one nap a day around half of the time, which sounds like a bad thing until you learn that his one nap is often over three hours long. He goes to bed every night right about at eight, and (knock on wood) hasn't woken up during the night for several months now. Yup- months. He gets up for the day between 6 and 7am, and sometimes when he's feeling snuggly he sleeps an extra 30 minutes or so in bed with Matt and I. That means that sometimes he sleeps 11 1/2 hours at night. And then takes a 3 hour nap. Wow.

Today is a rainy and cold day, which has translated to a sleepy day. He napped for 2 1/2 hours this morning (9 to 11:30), and now has been asleep for another hour (3 to 4) with no sign of waking up. I get soooo much done on days like this, which is awesome.

Sleepy kid!

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