Saturday, April 25, 2009

Everyone gets a Bye Bye

Everything in the world needs to be waved at lately. Dogs across the street (Hi!) Car driving by (bye bye!) Daddy goes into the bathroom (bye bye!) Mom walks up the stairs (bye bye!)

It is a waving party around here. I'm glad the waving is so exciting, and takes place at appropriate times of hello-ing and bye-bye-ing. It is very charming. This morning, as Matt left to go volunteer downtown for a bike race, Cooper waved bye-bye to him as he went out the back door (to grab his bike) and then Cooper ran to the front window, hoisted himself onto the step so he could peer out, and waved bye-bye to Matt as he rode through the front gate onto the street.

Then Cooper looked at me all sad, and waved to me. I told him he was correct, Daddy did go bye-bye for the morning. And then we had breakfast together.

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