Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Signing starts

Cooper has started, all of sudden, to use the baby sign language that we've been sort of trying to teach him since he was around 8 months old. Matt and I have been working on just a couple of basics- waving goodbye, more, eat, spoon, milk... I think that is it. For the last month, Cooper has been using his own sign, that he invented, for "I want to nurse." This is a funny little thing he does- he runs up to me, gives me a big hug, and then taps me on the backs of my shoulders. Tap tap tap. I wanna nurse.

After I figured this out (and yes, it took me a long time) I started responding immediately because it was cool that he invented a sign. I think, and hope, that this sparked his interest in signs in general.

Now, he's into it. In the last three days, he's been signing "milk" when he wants more food, which is kinda funny because we've taught him "more" for that situation, not "milk." I don't care though- it is a darn close sign and really exciting that he's doing it. He also is starting to sign "milk" when he is nursing, which is encouraging in terms of getting the right sign for the right actual thing. He has yet to sign "more" or "spoon" but now is very good (and cute) at waving Bye. He also waves Hi, which I love. He likes to wave Hi at Matt when he comes and goes. Amusingly, Cooper is nondiscriminatory and sometimes waves Hi at the dog while he's sitting on the front stoop waiting to be let in.

I'm hoping that the more vs. milk thing starts clearing up, and I'm also thinking that now is the right time for Matt and I to learn more signs and start using them. If Cooper just put it all together, I want to encourage his little brain! So far, we've added "chicken" to the signs we are going to use with him. Fun!

1 comment:

Troop 220 said...

I found your blog and I'm enjoying reading through it. You are doing a great thing by teaching your little one sign. We, too, use sign in our family. We have used the DVD series called Signing Time!. If you haven't seen it you should check it out at signingtime.com My children can sign and I know it comes in handy many times. I also have a daughter who is severly speech delayed and ST! has opened the world of communication up to her.