Monday, December 3, 2007

Friend has baby!

My very petite, very largely pregnant friend (my water aerobics partner) had her baby on Thursday! I just found out now, because I was out of town. So exciting.

4lbs, 13oz. They named him Kit Carlisle, last name starts with M.

The little guy is a total champ- he's breathing all by himself just fine, very active and alert, good digestion, and overall doing extremely well. He doesn't know how to swallow because he is two months pre-term, but my friend is having good success with the pump so he's getting her breastmilk with a little technological help.

He was due on January 28th so we are all a little shocked, but it has been abundantly clear for the last month or so that there was no way he was going to stay in the womb that long. My friend went into labor late Wednesday night, they tried to stop the labor, and within about 1 hour the baby was born vaginally anyway. The report from the very proud father is that she pushed three times and Kit shot out like a screaming red cannonball. He's a cutey, that is for darn sure. Very lanky- he is 20inches long so the little fellow is all arms, legs, and head.

Welcome Kit! Keep being strong and learn to swallow soon so you can go home!!!

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