Thursday, December 27, 2007

29 weeks and 3 days

Here we are at aaaaaalmost 30 weeks. So exciting!

I had a doctor's appointment today that was great- I learned that my body likes to "dump sugar" when I eat christmas cookies for breakfast, which means to give an almost false positive for excessive sugar in the urine. The nurse was very funny, "Did you have a lot of sugar with your breakfast? Like maybe some christmas cookies?" Uhhhh... guilty as charged.

I also gained almost no weight since my last appointment, which is neither good nor bad. I gained more-than-average for first 25 weeks, and therefore one month below average is kind of a relief. I guess I'm evening out, which is nice.

The baby is settled in head-down again. I'm glad, and more comfortable. I thought it was, but its little angular butt kinda feels like the blocky shape of its head, so I was slightly confused. I know its feet felt like they were near my ribs, but then sometimes they "jack-knife" with their legs extended so that is not necessarily a perfect sign of being head-down.

The baby kicked the heart-rate monitor and startled the nurse, which was funny. It moved around quite a bit and generally showed off its fine talents of being an active baby. That made everyone happy and Matt is so proud of his little acrobat's antics. Apparently this baby is far more active than average. Good! Healthy!

On an unrelated note, the friend's baby is HOME! Little boy Kit got to come home from the hospital in time for Christmas and has been gaining weight steadily without further feeding interventions. I am so happy for my friends that their little guy is doing so well. He is still a month from his "due date" so you can imagine how exciting it is that he is already at home full time. He already weighs more than I did when I was born- amazing! Also, the report is that he looks great in the sweater I bought him, and it fits nicely. Awwww...

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