Thursday, February 24, 2011

Good roommates

The room sharing situation has gone from 'rough start' to 'happy roomies' in what I feel like must be record time. Within about three weeks, they totally adjusted to each others sounds and cries and now both of them sleep through anything. Cooper sleeps through Grant waking up to nurse around 2:30am every night, and Grant sleeps through Cooper periodically freaking out in the middle of the night because he peed the bed (about once every 10 days) or because his nose is so stuffed up that he can't breathe (recent issue associated with head cold).

One of the best parts is that they keep each other entertained for a short period of time each morning. Trust me, the difference between two cranky screaming kids at 6:15 and two good natured awake cute kids at 6:30 totally transcends the 15 minute gap.

Most impressively, my month-long campaign to extend Grant's bedtime to 7pm instead of 6:30pm finally paid off, and he's adjusted by sleeping until 6:15/6:45ish instead of regular (jarring) 5:45 wakeups. This is a godsend in so many ways. Having them both naturally wake up at the same time, in the same room, and essentially sleep all night in that room, has totally changed the feel and flow of our lives.

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