Monday, November 29, 2010

Walking and talking

Grant is, as we say in our house, on a rampage. He's like a little tiny monster, except in a good way. He seems to be saying his first words, which is kinda wild but really, it happens often enough that I don't think I'm losing my mind. He says Doggie, Dada and Mama, in the right sorts of contexts. Unbelievable. He'll be 10 months old in less than two weeks. Also, he's started taking steps between furniture, and we are quite sure legitimate walking will follow very soon. Lastly, his ability to climb the stairs is startling, and he can get three steps up onto a tiny ledge with his hands death-grip-white-knuckled onto the gate in the turn of your head. He's fast, he's fearless, and he's motivated. And he doesn't fall- thank god. When I try to get him off the gate, it takes all my strength to pried his tiny hands off the bars as he screams in frustration. And then no matter where I put him, he jets off crawling (thud thud thud thud) back the gate, climbs the steps, stands on the ledge and roars like a baby lion.

We're in trouble. :)

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