Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dang cute

Grant is getting ready to walk. We can see it in his eyes, in the way he's sort of half-stepping away from the furniture, and in how he's standing. I'm guessing we'll have a walker by December.

Cooper goes on kicks where he only want to read one book, like many toddlers do. The current book is our "Ten Little Mice" book, where a bunch of mice have fun adventures in the English countryside on the way back to their nest for the night. It is a lovely book that has gorgeous illustrations, fun animals like sheep, dragonflies, badgers and bees, and it encourages counting, and both Matt and I enjoy reading it. Oddly, one of the only things that Matt and I often disagree on is children's books- we have really different taste in kid books. I find this bizarre. But, both of us like the mouse book, which is awesome. On the last page, all ten mice are sleeping in their little hay lined nest, snuggled in with each other. And Cooper likes to close the book, put it back up on the shelf, and declare, "I going to sleep in my nest with hay like a sleepy mouse. Momma put me in the nest with hay like a mouse." So I tell him his blankey is his hay, and his bed is a nest, and I'm picking up a biiiiiig mouse. Sometimes, Cooper says "I a mouse and the mouse needs a kiss on the cheek for sleeping in the hay" so the big mouse gets a kiss, too. So cute!

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