Monday, November 22, 2010

Can we do that over?

Last night was rough on the edges. The kids went to sleep at regular times and in regular ways, and then...

Grant half woke up at 1am, cried a bit, but fell back asleep on his own.

Cooper woke up at 2am to pee, and was restless and whiney when he was done, and took a while to settle back into bed.

Grant woke up at 2:30 to nurse for about 20 minutes.

Cooper woke back up at 2:45 and freaked out for no obvious reason, and then got back in bed after a hug and a kiss.

Cooper woke back up at 3am and wanted to sleep with his horse costume in his tent. Whatever, goofball. Here is your costume. Go to bed.

Cooper woke up at 4am for no discernible reason and cried briefly before Matt got him back in his bed and he fell back asleep.

Grant woke up at 5am and cried for a minute before falling back asleep. Thank god.

Grant woke up at 6am and wanted to nurse (that's pretty standard). Matt murmured as I was getting Grant tucked in nicely to nurse under the covers, "Can we do this night over? Call it a mulligan and try it again? 'Cause that was pretty much torture."


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