Monday, April 12, 2010

Two month appointment

Grant had his two month checkup today, and as usual, he's doing really well. He's on target or surpassing all his motor control milestones like watching objects that move, lifting his head, grabbing at objects, etc. And just as we suspected, he's still really big. He's 95% for weight, which is consistent with his previous weights, and is 13 pounds and 13 ounces. He's at about 80% for height, which is again pretty consistent for him with other measurements. The doctor said "He looks very healthy" and that despite his lingering eye discharge issues (he had an eye infection, and then that turned into pretty severe blocked tear ducts) his eyes look quite good at this point and I should not worry about it at all. Excellent!

Cooper was such a doll this morning when he got out of bed. Adorable. "Mama, open window! Mama, pick up baby crying! Mama, Cooper muffin?"

And then, of course, the usual useless, endless, discussion of whether or not I would be willing to let him wear his dino-pj's all day (which I never do, but he always asks).

Cooper: Cooper dinosaur pajamas?
Me: You need to wear pants and socks.
Cooper: No socks. Dinosaur pajamas.
Me: Sorry Cooper. Let's pick out a pair of pants and socks.
Cooper: No pants. No socks. Dinosaur pajamas.
Me: Truck socks! You love truck socks!
Cooper: Mama striped socks. Cooper no socks. Cooper dinosaur pajamas.
Me: You are wearing pants today. And socks.
Cooper: No no no no no no dinosaur pajamas!!!!!!

1 comment:

JulieG said...

I just checked my records and Ollie was 13lbs 13oz on his 4month visit. Amazing how babies grow so differently huh?