Saturday, April 3, 2010

they grow up so fast

Grant is growing like a weed. His latest achievements include smiling on purpose, holding his head very steadily while in a sitting position, and standing on our laps (with lots of help) so that he can watch his brother's shenanigans. He also enjoys making adorable baby coos and goos, and is rapidly outgrowing all his current clothing. I need to find the 3-9month box STAT because we are very quickly tossing things into the too-small bin. I know that box is in the garage somewhere. I'm down to only about 3 shirts! YIKES.

He's also large. Big. Did I mention he's a big kid? I figure he weighs about 14 pounds. And he feels like a little football when you hold him- all sturdy and round. It is actually mildly alarming how fast he's growing. I know Cooper was the same way, but I had forgotten the really amazingly fast rate that they get bigger. It is shocking. And I had also forgotten how I sort of mourn the out-growing of certain favorite clothing. Whaddya mean this super adorable shirt doesn't fit? It just fit last week... oh... yes, it is not supposed to be 3/4 sleeved. Sigh. Maybe it will fit on a doll or something someday.

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