Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It was nine in the morning

Grant is a sweet kid. His idea of a good time is being tickled on the belly when you change his diaper, or admiring the extremely handsome baby that lives in the bathroom mirror. But by far the most amazing part about him is his love for sleep, and the relative ease with which he falls asleep. Last night he went to sleep around 8:30pm, woke up at 5:30am to nurse for about a half an hour, and then slept until NINE. 9. In the morning. Outrageous.

Then, he got fussy around 10:15, so I nursed him, did his diaper, patted his back, swaddled him up, and put him in bed. After five minutes of whining and grunting in annoyance, he was peacefully asleep again for his morning nap.

I know things change, and that he might outgrow his love for sleep, or outgrow his miraculous ability to fall asleep without either being continuously held, rocked, or nursed. But good lord is it convenient and wonderful right now!

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