Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Moo and Wah

I've officially begun the process of becoming a registered Human Milk Donor! Neat! I'll need to fill out an enormous form, get permission slips from my midwife and Grant's doctor, get a blood test, and pump at least 150 extra ounces of milk over the next 3 months. I also have to make sure to not donate milk that I pump up to 12 hours after I take an advil or tylenol. But aside from those rules and errands, this should be pretty easy for me, and I'll be helping sick babies. Very cool!

My excitement is mediated a little bit by the fact that I have to go back to work in two weeks. It isn't that I don't like my job (I do like it, very much), it is just that I really love the freedom and fun of not having a job. Parenting Grant is easy right now, and Cooper is fun and adorable most of the time (and a normal, demanding, toddler the rest of the time) and it is just that, well, if we could afford it, I wouldn't go back to work for a long, long time.

But we can't. And I'm fortunate to have a great job, a great husband, and the flexibility to go back part time. So I guess I should try to focus on those positives.

Also, my home office is getting closer to functionality. Insulation is 50% done, flooring is purchased, and we are getting there. Me being in the office by the 4th is doubtful, but not impossible.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's my girl - loving being home with your kids AND helping sick babies. Life is good.