Monday, March 22, 2010

Cooper is two!

Cooper is growing up so fast!

His birthday party was awesome. Lots of friends and good times. He even ate his cupcake, which is an improvement over last year.

He also surprised Matt and me by starting to use his potty more often. Sometimes he manages to pee on it several times a day, and other days not at all. His record is 5 successful visits in one day. We're excited that this is going well, mostly, so far.

Hilariously, the part of the potty training that is going the worst is his aversion to wearing underwear where it belongs. He's thrilled to wear it on his head as a hat, but refuses to put it on properly. Conversations go like this;

Me: See how Momma wears underpants on her bottom? (pulling down my pants a tad at the hip, to show that I'm wearing them)
Cooper: Cooper bike underpants hat. (waving his bike-patterned underpants in the air, and then pulling them onto his head like a skullcap) Mama dots underpants bottom (pointing to my underpants).
Me: Yes, Momma's underpants have dots on them. See how I wear them on my bottom? That's where you wear underpants. On your bottom.
Cooper: No, hat. Cooper underpants hat. (pointing to his head) Cooper bike underpants! Cooper hat!
Me: Can I help you put your bike underpants on your bottom?
Cooper: NO! HAT! HAT!

Also, I am happy to report that Cooper's 2 year checkup went really well. He's skinny and tall according to the charts, just as we suspected. He's met or exceeded all the milestones for his age- things like "uses two or more words in a row" (he often uses four or five to get his idea across), "climbs the stairs unassisted" (he's been doing that since he was 6 months old, frighteningly enough), "runs, and jumps by lifting both feet at once" (with gusto!), "eats well unassisted" (yup), and "can take off some pieces of clothing" (I would almost rather he was not able to do this, but yes, he can take off his pants and diaper and socks with startling speed.)

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