Saturday, January 9, 2010

A bunch of sissies?

I'm writing this mostly for my mom, who will need to decode some of Cooper's most abstract words when she comes to visit in February.

Here are Cooper's most challenging, yet crucial, words that do not closely resemble the words that they are used for.

Boo-boo: Cooper's own name for himself
Sissy, or Cee-cee: precious yellow sacred blanket
See-sez: Kisses
Ah-dee: Water
Daa-doos: Pajamas
Doo-doos: Cookies (usually used when requesting to give the dog a dog biscuit for fun, which he is allowed to do up to twice a day)
Owl or Owww: either Towel, Dishcloth, Owl, or Penguin. Typically obvious from context. Often used to indicate that bathtime should be over i.e. demanding to be put in a towel.
Boop!: "I pooped" or "I just heard you fart" depending on context. You can't get away with anything around here.... :)

Almost all his other words closely resemble the word they really are, or are getting more accurate with time. And his newer words are usually stunningly good, like when he recently learned the words ostrich, mountain goat, turkey and donkey all in one day. Because learning truly useful words would be so boooooring.

1 comment:

Jeremiah McNichols said...

Love it. Reminds me of how our daughter inexplicably referred to shoes as "Aye-aye" for a year plus.