Sunday, December 13, 2009

Turns out, I'm having a baby

That's right, people! I'm having a baby. Yup! Good chance it will happen late this January, but if not, then certainly in early February.

Several times in the last week, I've run into friends or acquaintances that I have not seen in many months. Pretty much universally, and also much to my amusement, my current state of abundantly obvious pregnancy leaves them slackjawed. And usually saying something mighty silly, like "how did this happen?" That was a funny one, because I was well rested and feeling spunky, so I snarkily replied, "When a mommy loves a daddy very much..."

Today a friend of mine threw a baby party for me. It was great. There were other people's babies (Matt hung out with Cooper so I could relax at the party) and lots of nice friends, and I got hardly any gifts (this was intentional) except a few nice tokens of friendship- a frozen lasagna, some flowers, a couple nice christmas ornaments, and a really cute and bright mini wall quilt.

Last night I was thinking about it, and I realized that baby time is coming up pretty soon. Winter does sort of drag time out, but the holidays make it move fast at times, so really... all of a sudden it seems very much closer. Well under the 2 month mark now- yikes!

Also, as a final note, the baby we know that is at the hospital is continuing to improve. She is finally nursing again (instead of having a feeding tube) and things are looking pretty good. I am sooooo thrilled for them. Even as someone who hardly knows the family, it has been really tough to think about what they must be going through. Hurray for further improvements!

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