Monday, December 28, 2009

Baby names

A whole bunch of acquaintances have had babies in the last month or so, and I have not been keeping up with my usual congratulations.

First off, congrats to my neighbor! Aspen Jennifer C, born in early November, weighing 8 lbs and 10(?)oz. The mom had one heck of a long and challenging labor but did manage to still have a vaginal delivery and is doing really well.

Second, congrats to a fellow mom at Cooper's daycare! Ruby Jane C, born right before Thanksgiving, weighing something petite along the lines of 6lbs. From what I heard, she had a very straightforward home birth. They use the same midwife as us, too. Yay!

I titled this post "Baby names" because Ruby and Aspen are both non-typical names. They aren't something that I would name my own kid (for a few reasons) but I don't find them objectionable, really. I think my attitude towards baby names is softening. But rest assured, our second child will have a name that is relatively easy to spell, say, and remember. It will also probably not be gender neutral, although I think we still have one on the list that works for both. We are down to 7 boy options and 10 girl options, so that's pretty good for about a month to go!

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