Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Let's face it, I am selfish

First of all, the baby we know in the hospital apparently had a much better night last night, and is no longer on oxygen. So that is a huge improvement and I am so relieved for the family!

As a result of this, I've done some searching around the internet about RSV, the virus that this little baby caught. My eyebrows went up to my hairline when I read that in many toddlers, RSV is a mild cold, sometimes with a fever, that then often progresses into 1 - 4 weeks of persistent coughing. Doesn't that sound familiar?

So it is fairly likely that Cooper just had this virus. Of course, we could have also deduced that Cooper has already had this virus because his buddy (the older sister of the hospitalized baby) goes to the same daycare as him, and RSV is extremely contagious, and the way that nearly all babies get this virus is from their older siblings, so it is hard to imagine that all the kids in our daycare didn't recently have this virus.

Anyway, my selfishness. I am glad that Cooper had this virus already, because it did him (and me) no lasting harm, and now he's probably developed full immunity to it. Therefore, it is very, very unlikely that he'd be able to get it again and spread it to our second baby when that kid is born. And so that is one fewer nightmarish scenario that I need to consider while getting up for the bazillionth time in the middle of the night to go pee.

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