Friday, July 24, 2009

First full week

This was Cooper's first full week (3 days, really) at daycare. There were ups and downs, but he seems no worse for the wear and the people at daycare were very encouraging. When I picked him up on Thursday afternoon, he was using his special blanket to stand on as he carefully emptied out an entire drawer of plastic cups. He was happy to see me, but was so intent with the cups that he couldn't figure out what to do. Mom- cups- mom- cups... eeek! decisions!

The staff said Thursday was the worst start, but the best day. He apparently threw an utter fit when Matt left of screaming, sobbing and kicking. But after a few minutes, he calmed down, and had a great day. Ate his snacks, had some lunch, napped for two hours, and then had a good afternoon of playing in the kitchen with cups. He even laughed, which was a first at daycare for him, and the staff said he was "very cute today."

So I think it is going pretty darn well. I'm relieved that he does the things he needs to do- sleep, eat, staying calm. All the other stuff- making friends, having fun, etc- those things will come with time.

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