Sunday, September 21, 2008

Suddenly, pulling up

For the last week, Cooper has rarely (perhaps once a day) been able to pull up to a standing position from a crawling position.

Yesterday he suddenly perfected it. He can now pull to a stand on much of our furniture, the side of his bouncer toy, and just about anything else that provides him with handholds at the right height.

He is still exuberantly proud of himself each time he does this- laughing and smiling broadly after he gets steady on his feet. It is pretty cute, although very hazardous.

Along with this development, and possibly because of it, sometime around Thursday or Friday he chipped one of his baby teeth. Top right one, to be exact. It is a tiny chip, and my friend that is a certified dental hygienist (which is just shy of a "MD" style dentist) said that for such a small chip that doesn't extend past the enamel there is nothing that we need to do, but I'm still horrified. He just grew the teeth! I can't believe he already chipped one!

I asked my friend if there was something I might have allowed him to chew on that could have chipped it. She said, and I was relieved, "Well of course, anything not fabric or soft plastic could have done it. But I've seen Cooper smash his face on the floor enough to confidently tell you there was no way you could have prevented this. He probably chipped it on your hardwood floors- and you can't pad everything in his life." So there you have it. Early, aggressive crawling = chipped baby tooth.

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