Friday, September 5, 2008

Inexplictably better

Tooth four is still not out. Tooth three is unchanged. And yet, Cooper is happy, napping well, sleeping like normal, and not viciously biting things anymore.

My only guess is that he had an irritated nerve with one of those teeth and the problem resolved itself. Because there is no visible change at all. I am baffled.

But hey! I slept pretty well last night! Full dose of ibuprofen for the little guy at 9pm might have helped, who knows. Certainly didn't hurt anyone.

Also- unlike his cousin, Cooper likes green beans. Interesting.

Finally, my resolve finally dissolved on a funny thing. While I was pregnant, I resolved not to buy Cooper new clothing with our money for the first year. Used clothing, sure. Gift certificates and returns, sure. But new clothing seemed so silly- you get these great gifts, people love to send clothing, tons and tons and tons of used stuff at second hand stores, etc.

But the kid grew so fast that he's in some 12m stuff now... only 5 days until he is 6 months old! So I guess in a way I made it, as I only bought stuff in that size... naw, that is a cop-out. I faltered. Resolve-schmolve.

Today I bought some clothing at the amazing 40% off sale at Old Navy. Awesome selection, great stuff, lots of sizes, and the few things I really felt we needed were stunningly cheap. And cute. And I can't get things this cheap at the used place, amazingly, because they only accept really fancy stuff for resale. I guess I could have gotten stuff at Salvation Army... sigh... yeah.

Go to Old Navy online. Prices are great. Selection is great. Go buy your kid something. But don't get Cooper any three packs of long sleeved teeshirts with monkeys on them- I already did that.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Old Navy clothing does not fit Eleanor. It's cut relatively slender or something.

There's no t in "inexplicably". You can tell me not to be a spelling cop, but I'm pulling older sister prerogative on this one.

In other news, I have green bean eating envy. We tried AGAIN this evening with Delicious Ginger Chicken sauce all over the beans, and she would not TOUCH them.
Oh, she tried the asparagus Daddy offered (and then removed it from her mouth, but at least she tried), but the green beans were like kryptonite.