Saturday, August 25, 2007

Out of the closet

On Thursday, Matt quasi-accidentally told a whole bunch of people that we are expecting. I was a little surprised, but he was so excited about his "mistake" (I won't go into details, but it was a very cute and honest mistake) that I couldn't get too frustrated. Instead, we just agreed that maybe it was time anyway and before the people HE told somehow told our friends, which then would make our friends be the people to know before our family even knows (such a faux pas), we should just start telling everyone ourselves.

Of course, part of me wanted to wait until the 5th of September as we had planned, so we compromised that if I heard the heartbeat all clear on Friday, and the nurses said everything was doing great, we'd call our parents that night and start the ball rolling.

Appointment on Friday went really smoothly. I heard the heartbeat for about 1/2 a second because my uterus has an "anti-tip" that is genetic (mom and sister have it, too) that makes using the baby-listening doppler wand more challenging. But it was in there, the nurse was satisfied with the heart rate reading she got, and all the other stuff looked/felt great.

So there you go! The baby and the blog are going public!

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