Saturday, March 5, 2011

We havin' a tea party

We've had busy past three days, with a few particularly funny moments.

This morning as I was folding some clean laundry, Cooper said, "Wow! This is great! You cleaned my shirt. I LOVE my shirt cleaned. Thanks for doing laundry, Momma!"

Later this morning, Cooper's adorably precocious 2 year old friend Hannah visited us for the morning so her mother could get some work done. Hannah is unbelievably advanced for her age with her vocabulary and grammar, and she idolizes Cooper, so the two of them together are a total trip. They got into the stash of kid cups, bowl, etc and sat down next to each other in a big upholstered chair.

Hannah: I have a tea cup. I heat up tea in microwave.
Cooper: I have coffee like Daddy.
Hannah: Tea is hot. We havin' a tea party. I drinking my tea.
Cooper: I eatin' a pear for lunch with my coffee. HEY MOMMA LOOK we havin' a tea party!

It was so awesome with the two of them sitting there drinking imaginary tea and coffee from old measuring cups and dented steel mixing bowls. And all of a sudden it hit me that next year, Grant will be the age that Hannah is now, and he'll be SO much more ready and able to play games like this with Cooper. I can't even imagine it. Right now Grant really only can play in a very few specific ways with Cooper- but once he can (sort of) talk, and certainly once his imagination starts brewing, it is going to be a whole different ballgame.

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