Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm not

I love the way Cooper speaks. It amuses me to no end. He and I sometimes play this game in the car where I ask him if he's certain animals, and he denies it, until he decides he wants to be one of the animals. Sometimes he gets off on tangents, and that's where the fun is.

Me: Cooper, are you a shark?
C: No I'm not.
Me: Are you a bear?
C: I'm not!
Me: Are you a donkey?
C: I'm not!
Me: Are you a bird?
C: Yeeeessss!
Me: What kind of bird?
C: I a little bird that sleeps in trees with a birdie blankey.
Me: Oh I didn't know that birdies sleep with blankets!
C: Yeeess. In trees. With blankies. Little birds.

Cooper also replaces words that he doesn't know with funny phrases. My favorite right now is that he doesn't seem to know the word "barefoot" so instead, he's saying "in toes." As in...

Me: Cooper, I don't want your feet to get cold. Let's find socks for you.
C: Noooo!
Me: I want you to sleep in socks, buddy.
C: No! I sleep in my toes! No socks! In toes!

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