Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grant's recent triumphs

Grant is hellbent on learning to crawl, and just mastered sitting up on Saturday. He still topples periodically, but for the most part he can sit on a blanket for a minute or two, and sometimes longer, and play with toys. It is so fun to watch him- I had forgotten how adorable they are when they first learn to sit.

In terms of crawling, let's just say you can tell he's been working hard because he has rug-burn. The kid is squirming, pushing, kicking, flailing, spinning, tucking knees under himself, getting up on his arms, rocking back and forth, and generally training for what appears to be his upcoming crawling marathon. He's going to get it all together soon, I think. He just figured out in the last day how to get into a good crawl position and maintain it, and of course within hours of that advance he had added back and forth rocking to the list of skills. When he gets really mad, he tries everything at once and usually ends up scooting himself either in a 360 pivot on his belly, or straight backwards and under some piece of furniture, or both.

Of course, being Mr. Even Tempered, he does all this with a smile. Even when he's mad. He'll grunt and grumble and then look up and smile as if to say, "Hard work is so FUN!"

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