Thursday, June 4, 2009

New nap schedule

Cooper's new nap schedule is awesome, but it is also killing me. He is firmly in the one nap realm now, and he naps for about 3 hours. This is GREAT. But here's the catch- he naps from 10:30 to 1:30. During lunch time! Because of the way that our house is oriented, I'm not able to make myself any sort of good lunch that requires the making of any noise whatsoever. He's most prone to waking up in the second half of his nap, so if it is... say... 12:45 and I am starving to death, I have to tiptoe down there, grab cheese and crackers, and retreat back upstairs to nibble. Upstairs I could sing opera if I wanted, but in the kitchen the noise travels. To make matters worse, we are having some painting done so the rugs are all up- which creates really loud echoes from our wood floors.

I shouldn't complain. It is a great schedule. I just need to remember to make more dinner leftovers that are good when unheated (the microwave's remarkably loud door spring freaks me out). And once he wakes up, I make me a post-lunch and him a regular lunch, so it ends up fine, but god I am so freaking hungry right now!

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